Hello all...
A quick note to say I'm turning my blog into a self-hosted Wordpress blog. I am doing this so I can take advantage of the fine grain control I'll gain with Wordpress. I've not had any trouble with blogger.com, but I want to take advantage of my slowly increasing design and coding skills. Wordpress seems to be a good next step.
I've only done two posts over there so far; the latest is a music review of of Natasha Khan (of Bat For Lashes), and an introductory post talking a bit about the direction I'd like the blog to go. At this point the new site is not elaborate, but in time I hope to include some of my Processing applets, examples of my explorations with Chaoscope, images, machinima, and as always the occasional music post. I've not done much blogging here lately but I plan to be more diligent and intentional about it going forward. I also plan to include a resource page about some of the tools I use and some of the design inspiring sites I see. In fact that is how I found the Natasha Khan music when I saw this pitchfork feature article. The article is so well done, dynamic and interactive, without being distracting.
I might re-post some of this older stuff to Wordpress, but for now I will focus on going forward, learning as I go. So if you hit this page, be sure and follow this link over to Metaverisan for more current content.
13 years ago