
Saturday, April 24, 2010


I am easily entertained.
Just goofing around with some scripts, flexi and textures.
Texture made in Harmony, the Chrome Experiment and GIMP.
Using simple rotation and loop rezzing scripts. I also used and very much like the "real night" sky setting in Kirsten's viewer s20(19)... love the light.

Whirligig from Robward Antwerp on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A funny thing happened on my way to learning Linden Scripting Language…

The other day the talented and creative Jo Ellsmere (Second Life chair and tree creator extraordinaire) told me she was beginning to explore writing scripts. She knew I had dabbled around in them and was of a similar non programming bent as she. We IM’d back and forth yakking about it and played with the Loop Rezzer script she was exploring. In the end I laughed and said I’ll throw together a quick list of resources and paste it to you in a note card. In then end… this is what she got… :)

A long post chronicling my first stumbling thru the world of programming. Something fun I intend to continue… so many paths to walk. But perhaps this will be of use to folks looking for resources related to learning to write scripts for Second Life. Follow the links … and good luck.

I know you’ve found the LSL wiki.

There are MANY SL Building resources out there… here is one nice compendium from the Yaiol Imitation of Life blog. (S.N.O.W.* alert). Mind you there is a LOT more than just scripting help here… in fact scripting links are about 3/4s down the page. Some are in French… most if not all have English equivalents listed.
(*S.N.O.W. = Shiny New Object Warning = tangent = possible distractions ahead = “No really I’m just addicted to the sensation of learning… but yeah I could be a bit more focused”)

But back to the matter at hand.
In my attempts to learn to script… I quickly discovered that scripters were programmers who used weird language that use familiar words in unusual ways. Words such as: Statement, State & Function.
They wrote odd looking sentences like:
scriptnum = llList2Integer(llParseString2List(llGetScriptName(
),["mainanim "],[]),0); ...

I learned the words Statement, State and Function sort of have similar meanings to the same words used in a different context. For example; I made a statement in the state of Oregon regarding the function of programmers. I understand that sentence, but in the context of programming that I did not understand those terms.

So I set about defining the context and delineating just what the background was that I needed to understand better to move from being able to change a few parameters in a script to being able to create original or even task specific scripts. I quickly realized I should have paid more attention in math classes in high school. The logical context for the terminology used in scripting is of course mathematical.

So bearing in mind that State of my knowledge regarding scripting here is the sequence I stumbled thru as I learned more.
  •  I tried understanding some particle emitters and ‘make’ sit poses. This led me to the LSL wiki. I started to collect scripts and open them up.
  • I Got excited about the cool things they did and read the section on scripting in the Official Second Life Guide by Michael Rymaszewski, et al - on the Wiley press.
  • I then began exploring some in world scripting resources such as the Scripting College found in the Yaiol Imitation of Life blog post above.
  • Eventually I picked up a copy of the Wiley Press book titled: Scripting Your World, by Dana Moore, et al.
  • Next I got confused… mind you the book is good… it was that my understanding of basic programming concepts was not good.
  • Next was Beginning Programming book put out by the Wrox imprint of the Wiley press, by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes and Kathie Kingsley-Hughes. Not bad, but a bit dense for me… or was it I who was still a bit dense?
  • I also realized I could watch some college classes via iTunes and YouTube and started to do that. Search Stanford and MIT YouTube programming classes. I actually worked thru the Karel The Robot Java project that was part of the CS 61 class. Names and numbers change so search YouTube and the college sites for links.
  • Next was a very helpful (in the big picture sense) book put out by the Pragmatic Programmers press called, Pragmatic Thinking & Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt. I can’t recommend this book enough… (S.N.O.W. alert) if you are not a math type, not a programmer type and are a more creative artist type you MUST read this book. It really helped, by tying recent advances in Cognitive and Neuroscience to practical applications in everyday life. How our brain works and how we think and how we problem solve, etc. To quote the back page: "Whether you’re a deep thinker, programmer, manager, knowledge worker or techno geek (or just happen to have a human brain you’d like to crank up), Pragmatic Thinking & Learning will help."
  • Then I got a bit more on track…and picked up a copy of Programming for the Absolute Beginner: No experience required by Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. on Thomson press. Another fun book. You get to make some cool simple games written in BASIC language.
  • Then I became distracted again and got a copy of Introductory Computer Mathematics, 2nd Ed, by Nigel P. Cook. Published by Pearson Education (I got it at ‘s technical book store here in Portland). (S.N.O.W. alert) Do not be afraid of this book… it was actually quite fun … essentially a work book that teaches basic math concepts with computer and electronics examples. You really begin at the beginning… talking about Fractions and Decimals. Go for it … it was fun to work that part of my brain again.
So… what is the upshot of all this… I am still not a scripter or programmer… but I can at least ask questions they will understand, and I can read scripts more easily now. Use them more intelligently. And perhaps one day will actually be able to create some on my own.

Other tools I used were specialized Editors for easy programming syntax, etc… there are many (see links below and the Yaoil Imitation of Life blog at top of this post). I also found the free Microsoft developer programming tools… the studio express editions, for programming in Visual Basic, Visual C#, and Visual C++. They were fun with a number of tutorials that are easy to understand. In fact a whole section aimed at kids (which helped me, given my kid level understanding of some of the concepts).
In the end… so much to know… so little time… but lots of fun… and besides it is GOOD for your brain to challenge it… trust me you will live longer.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Goofing off with Chrome Experiments

I was goofing around the yesterday with the Chrome browser experiments. There are many interesting JavaScript tools/toys that run only in Chrome. Several are simple but interesting drawing/painting tools with some fun brushes.
In the end I was quickly able to throw together some fun ‘orbiting’ and rotating spheres. I shot the Quick and Dirty Planetary System posted below. I will experiment more with the parameters in the rotation scripts and do some slightly different textures tonight.

In case others are interested: Here are some textures I did very quickly in Chrome’s Sketchpad and Harmony experiments (both of whom ONLY work out of the Chrome browser).
Here are the links to the tools I used:

Chrome (You must be in this browser to use the experiments)
Harmony *
*Each has Save function that opens image in separate browser tab, from which you right click in the image to choose Save Image As ... In Win 7... other systems will be similar.  I also used GIMP, and Frapps and Sony’s Vegas Movie Studio.
Planetary Side project from Robward Antwerp on Vimeo.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Follow up on the JIRA request to fix broken suppression of user interface...

For machinima makers one of the most frustrating things about the new Linden Labs second life viewer 2.0 was that you were unable to completely suppress the user interface when shooting machinima. Without the fix we would all have been blighted by a file menu strip across the top of any footage shot in that viewer (now the default viewer for new accounts, etc). When combined with the new LL policy establishing a list of 'approved' third party viewers (which at this writing still does not include Emerald or Hippo), we had a very short list of approved viewers to work with. Fortunately KirstenLee Cinquetti's viewer is on the list and the newest version of her viewer S20 (15) fixes the UI suppression problem while maintaining (even improving) the SL 2.0 viewer’s user interface.

I drone on about this because it is too easy to assume that there is always going to be a work around or somehow the open source community will fix it. KirstenLee deserves a huge thanks and even a donation to the ‘beer’ fund if one is able. KirstenLee’s viewer dealt with this pesky (and difficult to fix) ‘bug’ in short order. There is nothing like a having a nimble open source coder in your corner. Have a look at the viewer via the download link on the KirstenLee’s blog.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I am currently working on a project for Zachh Cale... host of Project Z gallery in Lennox Hill sim. Several aspects of this project are interesting... the installation 4 Galaxies is a trick to shoot... the expansiveness and scale of a galaxy hopefully comes thru. Built by Oberon Onmura, 4 Galaxies is a beautiful and large scale particle construction. To see the 4 Galaxies go to Project Z (you will be at the entrance of the gallery) and teleport via the sign for the 4 Galaxies. An interesting added plus will be the composition of an original sound track. Zachh Cale is a composer and musician and will contribute a piece to the project (thus the lack of a sound track now). It was interesting working with the clips w/o a sound track to work with. It is sort of a “chicken and the egg” scenario where the music helps in the composition of the machinima and the machinima contributes to the composition of the music.

4 Galaxies ROUGH DRAFT from Robward Antwerp on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Consider voting for this JIRA

Any photographers or machinima makers who have worked with the Viewer 2.0 probably know the suppression of the UI is only partial... it leaves the menu bar visible. Please consider taking a moment to wander over to this link and voting. In the mean time thank goodness for Emerald.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Experience the Intangible Reality

Today while working on a new machinima I was visiting with a friend in Second Life.  She turned me on to an amazing find... not a new sim or build, but to a guy's Flickr photostream.  Pixel Reanimator a relative newcomer, but one with skills and a quick grasp of what compels many of us to stick with Second Life.  The essence of why Second Life remains interesting to me... the way we choose to creatively express ourselves.... In this case Pixel subtly captures one of the most common forms of self expression - our appearance.  Commonly in our 'real' lives our self expressed appearance falls well within a fairly narrow norm.  However, in Second Life there are unique (in freedom and restriction) tools.   Most significantly there is a resilient culture of self expression as vivid as any you will encounter.  See for yourself here. Pixel has created a series of digital portraits captivating in their simplicity... by 'slowing' down my viewing experience... making me focus.  I found it bordered on the uncomfortable initially... that sense in the back of my mind that my attention wants to wander but it can't.  Soon I was consuming one portrait after another, entranced by the intangible reality behind the images and fully disappointed when I viewed the last one.  Not all will find it as I did... but I look forward to seeing more of what this creative newcomer to Second Life will do. See what you think... if you like it, click thru via link above to all the portraits (13 so far).