This week… busy… stressful… But:
The sun shined (finally), it warmed up, and the flowers are going gangbusters. It was a delightfully mixed bag.
On the creativity front… several things. A though provoking post over at The Imagination Age blog, I will resist my tendency to obsess on creativity and only say this. Creativity does not happen in isolation… all creativity is influenced by the sea the fish swim in. I do enjoy playing with ideas such as this… but these days I am more interested in actually exploring and experiencing creativity… both my own and that of others.
As for others:
I found particular inspiration in the short video about Ai Weiwei I linked to from with in Rita Kings post.… you should check it out . (Full disclosure: I do participate in Kickstarter… you do not have to… the movie is easily watched without pitch for your cash. Alternately for general more info try the wiki post about Ai Weiwei.)
For Myself:
Last week I mentioned the Processing graphics programming language. I’ve spent the week exploring it and am having a great time. I’ve captured some short video of the animations so far.
Processing Experiment from Robward Antwerp on Vimeo.Processing Experiment. Using: Processing 1.5 Based on tutorials in Andrew Glassner’s book. Processing for Visual Artists: How To Create Images and Interactive ArtMusic sample:
"Sooner or Later" by Geert Veneklaas (feat. Christina Courtin)
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
Thanks for using my track 'Sooner or later'. Cool graphics!